Local information

Conference venue

Department of Mathematics
University of Duisburg-Essen
Thea-Leymann-Str. 9
45127 Essen

Math department, University of Duisburg-Essen

Hotel Motel One Essen

Hotel Holiday Inn Express Essen - City Centre

Hotel B&B Hotel Essen

Hotel information

1 Hotel Motel One Essen

Kennedyplatz 3
45127 Essen

2 Hotel Holiday Inn Express Essen - City Centre

Thea-Leymann-Straße 11, 45127 Essen

3 Hotel B&B Hotel Essen

Helmut-Käutner-Straße 4
45127 Essen

4 Hotel Self-organized

Most places are in walking distance from the math building. To cover larger distances, you can use the subway (U-Bahn), tram (Straßenbahn) or a bus.

Getting from the main station to the math department

You need about 15 minutes from the station (if you don't get lost), either walking or taking the subway.

The easiest is to take a subway train (line U11, U17 or U18) from the train station and get off after two stops at Berliner Platz.

You then have to walk about 200 meters along Altendorfer Str., so that the big shopping centre Limbecker Platz is facing your back, and IKEA remains on your right, on the other side of the street. The department is in the same building as Conrad Electronics, a large electronics store in the ground floor of the building which makes the building easy to find.

Subway/Tram/Bus tickets

For travelling inside Essen (this includes all hotels, the university, restaurants etc. mentioned here), you need a ticket for Zone A2, which costs 2.90 EUR (single trip), or 10.50 EUR (ticket for four trips). For the ride from Essen central station to Berliner Platz or Universität Essen it is enough to buy a ticket Zone K ('Kurzstrecke', short distance) for 1,70 EUR (single trip) or 6,10 EUR (four trips). Note that a Zone K ticket is valid only for 3 stops. Single A2 and K tickets are valid for a ride starting right after you buy the ticket; you cannot buy them in advance for later rides. For buying tickets in advance, take a ticket for four trips; those tickets must be stamped when you enter the train, at the machine inside the train. (If you change trains, you do not need to revalidate the ticket.) Tickets can be bought at ticket machines in every underground station and at every tram stop, or in the EVAG centers in the underground station of the central train station, or at Berliner Platz.